Wednesday, August 7, 2024



The madness continues in the pointless exercise to generate band names. Today, I'm repurposing mathematical terms. Geometry alone would supply enough band names for the next generation.  Here are some of my favorites.

Higher Math Bands
Absolute Value

Arbitrarily Large



Common Factors

Cube Roots

Fibonacci Sequence

Denominators/Numerators (must perform together)


Empty Set


Floor Function

Ideal Theory

Imaginary Unit

Initial Conditions

Improper Fractions

Irrational Integers


Natural Numbers

Obtuse Angles


Standard Unit


Tensor Product


Geometric Bands

Angle of Depression



Center of Rotation

Circular Functions

Glide Reflection

Major Arc

Ordered Triple

Pappus's Theorem

Platonic Solids

Sector of a Circle


Standard Position

Zero Dimensions



Sunday, August 4, 2024

Escape Fate

Escape Fate 

Walking on the beach 
In the dead of August 
I met a fish
Who told me
I could escape 
and live without my Fate
cut away from the gods’ woven fabric.
“What’s the catch?”
I asked the fish.
You will have nothing 
but your own choices
I stood stock still 
the waves lapping at my feet
and the fish long gone. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Fonts and Grammar as Band Names










I'm continuing my never ending pointless exercise to generate band names. Today, I'm repurposing grammatical terms and fonts. Some ideas in the grammar category:

  • Subordinate Clauses
  • Third Person
  • Diphthongs 
  • The Elipses 
  • Idioms
  • Personal Pronouns
  • Indirect Objects
  • Past Participles
  • Prepositions
  • Subjective Case
  • Passive Voice
  • Past Perfect
  • Infinitives
  • Em Dashes

With Fonts, its a target rich environment and I couldn't make up my mind so I had to restrict my choices to a small sample:

  • Arial Black
  • Chalkdusters
  • Trebuchets
  • Comic Sans
  • Bold Italics

Also, if you haven't seen the genius of Elle Cordova's videos on fonts. There are a must.

Random bonus name:

  • Les Majeste
Form a band and take a name. Goodbye for now.
s s ttps://

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Physical Life of Books


One thing I enjoy about a physical book versus a digital version is that the book can share its own story.

I recently finished, Wind in this Sahara by R.V.C. Bodley purchased for one dollar at a thrift store in Alexandria, Virginia. It’s the story of an Englishman, between the world wars, who decides to live among the bedouin tribes of north Africa for seven years, apparently on the advice of TE Lawrence. 


The book itself was printed in the United States in1944 and, because it was during a war time in America, required lighter paper, and the text was more condensed on each page to save paper. On its inner pages is an inscription that it had been donated as a gift to the Atchison, Kansas public library by Mr. and Mrs. John Breaky (sp?) and the librarian's notation in pencil assigning a Dewey Decimal designation. Although the library card is no longer in the pocket and there's telling how many times it had been borrow out, it leaves you to wonder how many readers of Atchison, Kansas may have borrowed it. 

Finally, there's a Withdrawn stamp when library decided the book was no longer to be kept in circulation. Once it was taken out of the Library's collection, it would have been sold or donated and made it's way to a reader's library. Finally, it was eventually donated to the thrift shop where I purchased it. 

A book telling it's own story.


Saturday, December 16, 2023


Looking back on my reading for 2023, if I find any themes for the year they would be time, memory, and nostalgia. A few of the quotes and observations I've written down from this year.

 Like watches ticking on the watches of dead soldiers.
--Jean Cocteau
If you live long enough, the process of memory ruthless condenses your experiences consigning much to oblivion.
--Robert Kaplan, Adriatic: A Concert of Civilizations at the End of the Modern Age
The alleys at night intimate chambers of of just remembered dreams and childhood
-- Robert Kaplan, Adriatic: A Concert of Civilizations at the End of the Modern Age
Journey taken in youth inform the rest of our lives -- they are markers of of change in us as well as the rest of the world
--WSJ, April ?, 2023
The lifetime that I've been lent
in idleness I've spent
    --fragment of a poem that I can't recall attribution. 

I had become my ancestors
--The Growing Seasons, Samuel Hynes
Man, if he is ever any good never gets over being a boy.
--Sherwood Anderson

Memories lengthen the land
--Walter Havighurst

When considering new innovations, the Supreme. Court must tread carefully so as not to embarrass the future.
--NW Airlines v. Minnesota,  322 U.S. 292, 300 (1949) 

A library without members is a like a cemetery books. Books are like people. Without contact they cease to exist.
--can't remember attribution but I'd like to say Jorge Luis Broges times there came a startled sense of wonder and unrealized opportunity.
--Sherwood Anderson

...time is not cool...
   --NPR interview with a Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (ok, I cheated on this one, it was aired in December 2022)

My observations
The right to be forgotten is a formula of truth verses time.

Time is the highway that memory travel down after the journey has been made.
Memory is more a poem than a transcript.

These quotes don't fit into my themes but I'm adding anyway because I liked them enough to write down. 

Everyone is ignorant only on different subjects.
--Will Rogers

There is nothing as easy as doesn't take much to see something is wrong but it takes some eyesight to see what will put it right.
--Will Rogers
Courtesy is the very basis for all mutual respect and concord.
The hoi poloi's hobledihoi poo-pooed the hub-bub.
--My best homemade nonsense sentence of 2023