Every few months, I have to sweep up the doggerel from the left side of my notebooks and put it out on the street for pick up.
Tyrant Times
Stalin’s poetry
makes for a sad science
and sirens in the distance
Excuse me, are these two related?
On the trek
he ran amok
This golden ager
had golden anger
Rated D
Defiant deviant's defacement denuded damsels
Match Making Challenge
Love tyrant
hermit fanatic
oh what a ride
Fall Ride
November sun
reveals ancient ground
On the drive home
shadow bars
picket my path
English Mystery Solved?
Alice in Wonderland listened to the Walrus
John Lennon admitted later, in song,
that it was Paul.
Not that Bard College
I enrolled in Shakespeare’s School of Night
The psychiatrist and the sculptor faced off:
Mental nudity vs. metal nudity
Baby's First Poetic Rhyme Scheme
What Ed said
Was in Ted’s head
and what Ned read.
Writing Prompt: Father Time and Mother Nature on a blind date